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Modern Vend Enhances Access to Necessities for Senior Living Facility

Modern Vend introduced the Smart Store solution to 200 residents of a senior living facility and saw immediately promising results. They hope to improve the quality of life and ease of access to essential products right at their doorstep.

When Bill S., owner of Modern Vend, started his vending business, he knew he wanted to offer an elevated experience for his customers. When he landed a location at a senior living facility, he opted for a Smart Store 700 Duo from Cantaloupe. In the first month since his “mini market” went live, Bill has seen promising results.

Getting set up 

From the outset, the installation process was seamless thanks to the Cantaloupe professional services team. This decision proved invaluable. It allowed Bill to focus on managing the store effectively from day one and presenting a professional image to his clients.

Choosing the right products

With over 200 residents living in the facility, Bill aimed to provide easy access to daily necessities.This wasn’t just about convenience; it was about enhancing the quality of life for seniors by bringing essential products right to their doorstep.The product mix was carefully curated to meet the specific needs of his customer demographic. Items like batteries, paper towels, laundry detergent, and toilet paper were among the top sellers. The store also tested products like adult diapers, but what’s really selling are snacks and candies: cookies and Reese’s cups.


In the first month, Modern Vend has seen the following:

$5.74 average transaction value.

52% of purchases were multivend transactions.

On pace to hit over $1,000 in revenue in its first month.

Opportunities for the future

According to Bill, “I am working on strategies to engage the seniors into getting comfortable with using the technology, but our sales are growing week by week as more residents get used to the convenience and ease of the Smart Store.” The reaction from both the facility and district manager has been overwhelmingly positive.

The success of the Smart Store in the senior living facility has opened up new possibilities. Bill Slaughter sees potential in expanding the Smart Store concept to luxury apartments and airports, where a younger demographic would likely embrace it enthusiastically. The Smart Store addresses the issue of theft, giving peace of mind to operators like Bill, who are exploring new locations for these innovative solutions.