Cantaloupe Logos
Cantaloupe is our one company and brand. To use any of the logos available on this page, simply download!
Primary Logo
We use this Cantaloupe logo to represent our company, strategic initiatives and programs, and all business-facing sales, services and marketing activities.
Product Logos
Minimum Size & Clear Space
The Cantaloupe logo is comprised of a pictorial mark and a wordmark.
See the following for logo/mark types, versions, and usage.
The sacred space must be respected at all times. This area is to be kept clear of all graphics and type.
Sacred space rules apply to all types and versions of the Cantaloupe identity.
The types of logos for Cantaloupe are demonstrated here.
Each type has versions in color, black and white, and reverse.
Shown here are some examples of what NOT to do with the Cantaloupe logo.
By no means an exhaustive list—always use supplied art files and guidelines.
The two-color, vertical logo version is used for demonstration purposes only. Rules apply to all types and versions of the Cantaloupe identity.
Shown here are acceptable versions for each type of Cantaloupe logo and mark.